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COVID-19 Series: Leasing Emergency Declaration Repealed

COVID-19 Series: Leasing Emergency Declaration Repealed

In response to the impact of COVID-19, measures for tenants in relation to leasing were implemented under the Mandatory Code of Conduct – SME Commercial Leasing Principles During COVID-19. The Code of Conduct applied to some leases covered by the Leases (Commercial and Retail) Act 2001 (ACT), preventing Landowners from taking action against Tenants for […]

COVID-19 Series: Lease Variation Charge Concessions

COVID-19 Series: Lease Variation Charge Concessions

The ACT Government announced a recovery package for the construction sector to boost activity after the impact of COVID-19. It aims to encourage projects that are able to progress to commence construction by 31 March 2021. There is a Lease Variation Charge Remission Package available that reduces the Lease Variation Charge by up to 50%, […]

COVID-19 Series: Remote Witnessing

COVID-19 Series: Remote Witnessing

Alongside the existing e-contracts and e-signing, there have been legislative responses to COVID-19 social distancing that have allowed e-witnessing. For the duration of the pandemic (as declared by the government in the relevant jurisdiction), a document that is required to be witnessed under NSW and ACT law may temporarily be witnessed remotely, by a system […]

Remote Possibilities: Contactless Legal Services

Remote Possibilities: Contactless Legal Services

In these uncertain and crazy times, things still need to get done. Our team has worked remotely and flexibly, using technology as our friend, since Day Zero. So, converting our team to full-time work from home has seen no interruption or downtime. We are here and ready to assist you with remote meetings and special […]