Morris Legal Group

COVID-19 Series: e-Contracts and e-Signing

e-Contracts and e-Signing have long been recognised as giving rise to binding legal obligations in a variety of contexts. An electronic contract solution an be deployed in the current environment to keep your business running, ensuring your agreements are documented while still being able to hold distance.

With the right advice, you could implement a robust online system to not just help you survive the current crisis but give your business that competitive edge into the future.

The following types of documents can take an electronic form and/or be electronically or digitally signed in most circumstances:
Β agreements
Β invitations to treat / heads of agreement
Β employment contracts
Β land contracts

In most States and Territories, the following documents may not be ready for electronic solutions:

powers of attorney
land registry documents
some documents for corporations

For the full details, grab our downloadable fact sheet here.

To discuss implementing an e-Contracting solution in your business, Contact Us Now to discuss your situation. We’re at your service.