When you buy a property and enter into a Contract for Sale, as the Buyer you have the right to a cooling off period during which you can cancel the contract usually within 5 Business Days, for a small fee.
In order for the Contract for Sale to be exchanged unconditionally, the Seller, their solicitor or agent may ask that you have your solicitor provide a “cooling off waiver certificate”. These are sometimes called “Section 17 Certificates” in the ACT and “Section 66W Certificates” in NSW.
By receiving a Section 17 or Section 66W Certificate, you are waiving your right to a cooling off period and entering into a Contract for Sale unconditionally.
Our cooling off waiver questionnaire will take you through what these certificates are and what their effect is, and ask you a number of questions to get to know your needs and collect some important details. You can also receive more general information about the cooling off waiver with our handy factsheet HERE.
Once you have reached the end, you will receive a confirmation email and a callback so that we can verify your instructions, provide you with advice and your cooling off waiver certificate, if you’re happy to proceed.
Have fun, and if you have any questions please Contact Us. We look forward to joining you on your next adventure!