Morris Legal Group

Remote Possibilities: Contactless Legal Services

In these uncertain and crazy times, things still need to get done.

Our team has worked remotely and flexibly, using technology as our friend, since Day Zero. So, converting our team to full-time work from home has seen no interruption or downtime.

We are here and ready to assist you with remote meetings and special protocols for the very few instances in which it is essential that we meet.

Please get in contact if you need anything at all including:
ย help with conveyancing (going well or going wrong)
ย an urgent will
ย advice about your lease
ย a chat about your business situation
ย insight about ourย #wfhย setup
ย a friendly ear

From all of us here: Be well. Wash your hands. Donโ€™t touch your face. And weโ€™ll talk to you soon.

Get in touch!